
Published on:

3rd Nov 2021

Everyday Series | Season 1 | Wisdom Words Wednesdays | 017 | Apply Wisdom To Your Thinking

In this episode, we talk about how to Apply Wisdom To Your Thinking.

People can fall into the trap where they don't want to think.

Give with discretion.

Ask, "how do you know that?"

Don't rush. Take time to think and process.

In God we trust, all others must bring data.

Njabulo James:

Hey everybody.

Njabulo James:

This is the host of the NJ podcast.

Njabulo James:

This is wisdom words, Wednesdays.

Njabulo James:

This is part of the everyday series where we share insights and inspiration

Njabulo James:

based off a wisdom principle that will add value to your life.

Njabulo James:

The better decisions you make, the better, the quality your life will be.

Njabulo James:

That is why we need wisdom.

Njabulo James:

Now more than.

Njabulo James:

And this episode today, we're going to talk about apply wisdom to your

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thinking, apply wisdom to your thinking.

Njabulo James:

Human beings have a distinct advantage over the rest of the animal kingdom.

Njabulo James:

Think about it for a moment.

Njabulo James:

We are not the first.

Njabulo James:

We are not the strongest and sometimes we're not the most organized, but how is

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it that we are able to rise to the upper echelons, where we're able to dominate.

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And in some cases, subdue and survive amongst animals that are

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much stronger and faster than we are.

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The answer lies.

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The capacity of our brains and the use of our minds and for us to able

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to apply wisdom to how we think.

Njabulo James:

Our brain is about 25% of our body mass in comparison to chimpanzees and apes.

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It is only 8%.

Njabulo James:

And this organ that we call our brain consumes a lot of energy.

Njabulo James:

That is why we were able to communicate and put together

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complex words and sentences.

Njabulo James:


Njabulo James:

Diaz and communicate to each other.

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Who what, when, where, why and how that allowed us to build empires and to

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build kingdoms and to build businesses and to build families, we were able

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to apply wisdom to our thinking.

Njabulo James:

That is a distinct advantage that we have today.

Njabulo James:

As part of the human race, there are some people who make sure that they

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enhance their brain capacity, the capacity to make difficult and complex

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decisions, the capacity to deal with them, emotionally tense situations.

Njabulo James:

And these are the people that we now know as high performers, why they

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are able to apply wisdom to your.

Njabulo James:

The best bankers, the best traders, the best business people apply wisdom to their

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thinking when they are conducting a deals.

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That is the difference between the haves and the have-nots because they they're

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able to use the resources of their minds.

Njabulo James:

As there is in the societies today, a sickness, some people call it a sickness.

Njabulo James:

The, where people fall into the trap of not wanting to think if

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I've ever seen people who fall into the trap of not wanting to do.

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They'll go off of any piece of information that is fed to them.

Njabulo James:

They won't critically analyze per tap air, break it apart and understand different

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perspectives and other people's points of views and be siloed in their thinking.

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And they don't want to think you will tell them anything, they'll run with it.

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And they will accept that as fact.

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And that is very dangerous because it will stop us from reaching the

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highest potential of thinking.

Njabulo James:

And that is a travesty because we were given this amazing tool called

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the mind and the brain for us to apply with them, to our thinking.

Njabulo James:

Don't fall into the trap of not wanting to think don't be a person.

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Who doesn't have an argument.

Njabulo James:

Don't be the person that is always emotive when they are, they have been challenged.

Njabulo James:

Don't be the person that raises their voice and does not raise the level of

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their internet and their arguments.

Njabulo James:

I saw a post once an Instagram post.

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Once that said, when you get into an argument, don't raise

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the level of your voice.

Njabulo James:

Raise the level of.

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Of your intellect raise the level of your argument and I'll, we'll

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share some ways that you can apply wisdom to your thinking.

Njabulo James:

So you can avoid being parts of people who fall into the trap of

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not wanting to think one way is to protect yourself and your time.

Njabulo James:

There is a saying that you should give with discussing.

Njabulo James:

Give with discretion.

Njabulo James:

Time is a very important, valuable and irredeemable resource.

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At times.

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If somebody waste your time for the first time, don't allow

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them to do so for a second.

Njabulo James:

You need to learn, to give with discretion because human beings as canning as you

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are, and as clever as we are, we are also shoot in the sense that we will waste your

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time and carry on with our lives without you as if we didn't waste your time.

Njabulo James:

And you need to apply wisdom to your thinking, to protect your time to say,

Njabulo James:

I'm only going to give with discretion because you will never be able to get.

Njabulo James:

Uh, two hours backwards that someone was, have you ever been, uh, had a two

Njabulo James:

hour meeting or two hour conversation?

Njabulo James:

And at the end of that conversation, you ask yourself 20, what did I achieve here?

Njabulo James:


Njabulo James:

You and that's because somebody wasted your time.

Njabulo James:

And one of the biggest pains that you will ever go through in

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life is to crave a conversation with someone that is no longer.

Njabulo James:

One of the biggest pains you'll ever go through is to crave a conversation

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with somebody that is no longer here.

Njabulo James:

It could be your mother or your father or someone.

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You looked up to a sibling, a best friend, and they are no longer alive.

Njabulo James:

And that pain is amplified because, you know, That you wasted the precious

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time that you had with them, with somebody else who didn't matter as

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much or doing something else that didn't matter as much as that person.

Njabulo James:

Now, I encourage you to learn, to give with discretion.

Njabulo James:

If somebody says to you, Hey, I would like X amount of your time.

Njabulo James:

Let's go to this place.

Njabulo James:

I started questioning, why are we going there?

Njabulo James:

What are we going to be doing?

Njabulo James:

Who is going to be there?

Njabulo James:

It's not that I don't trust you.

Njabulo James:

I just want to know.

Njabulo James:

Is it going to be worthy of my time?

Njabulo James:

And if it's not moving you towards a worthy, ideal, or

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not part of a well-deserved break, say to them, I apologize.

Njabulo James:

I'm not going to do go there.

Njabulo James:

And more importantly, you need to give with discretion, especially to

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yourself because the greatest enemy that you'll ever fight is the enemy inside.

Njabulo James:

That is the enemy.

Njabulo James:

That is you.

Njabulo James:

If there was no devil, I would be.

Njabulo James:

Of myself, learn to give with discretion, apply wisdom to your

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thinking, by giving with discretion.

Njabulo James:

Another way that you can apply wisdom to your thinking when somebody presents

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information to you that you're not sure of, even if you're sure of it,

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ask the question, how do you know.

Njabulo James:

How do you know that and watch them squirm for awhile if they don't

Njabulo James:

know what they're talking about?

Njabulo James:

How do you know that?

Njabulo James:

Remember we said that people can fall into the trap of not wanting to think.

Njabulo James:

So they may be presenting information to you.

Njabulo James:

That's not a verified, they haven't thought through and they want

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you to accept it as gospel, ask the question, how do you know.

Njabulo James:

Somebody comes to you with a piece of gossip or they say that

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person, doesn't like, you ask the question, how do you know that?

Njabulo James:

Where's it fats where's information.

Njabulo James:

Where's the data.

Njabulo James:

Where's the screenshots.

Njabulo James:

Where's the evidence.

Njabulo James:

How do you know that if they say that that companies are with while

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investing in, ask the question, wow.

Njabulo James:

Do you know that.

Njabulo James:

If somebody says to you, appeal gives you a piece of information

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to say that person's a bad person, or you shouldn't do that.

Njabulo James:

Ask the question.

Njabulo James:

How do you know that?

Njabulo James:

And it has nothing to do.

Njabulo James:

Whether you trust the person's integrity or nuts, there are times that we can

Njabulo James:

miss certain pieces of information and we ask how do you know that it

Njabulo James:

will force other person to present their well thought through arguing.

Njabulo James:

And if they don't have an augment, then they must go back

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and verify the information.

Njabulo James:

I was listening to a podcast where they were talking about

Njabulo James:

the Kennedy family, John F.

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Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.

Njabulo James:

Um, there was a culture that around the dinner table,

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they would sit down and talk.

Njabulo James:

There was sit down and debate.

Njabulo James:

I'm not sure, a hundred percent sure if it's the Kennedy family or

Njabulo James:

it's Kenneth, uh, John F Kennedy's, uh, media family, or if it was his

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children, but part of the Kennedy family, what they would do every single.

Njabulo James:

Dinner time, they would make it a point to debate each other.

Njabulo James:

Why is cocaine good or bad?

Njabulo James:

Why is gun control good or bad?

Njabulo James:

And that forces them to think through their arguments so that they have

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a good answer to the question.

Njabulo James:

How do you.

Njabulo James:

As to go, nothing to do.

Njabulo James:

If you trust a person, if someone says to you, you get here's the facts

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and you say, how do you know that?

Njabulo James:

And they'll be like, what?

Njabulo James:

But do you not?

Njabulo James:

Trust me?

Njabulo James:

It's not about not trusting you.

Njabulo James:

I just want to make sure that what I run with is factually substantiated.

Njabulo James:

All right.

Njabulo James:

So apply wisdom to your thinking about asking how do you know that

Njabulo James:

another way that you can apply wisdom to thinking is to don't rush.

Njabulo James:

Take the time to.

Njabulo James:

And process.

Njabulo James:

There may be times we need to make quick and fast decisions.

Njabulo James:

I get that in situations where you don't have to make split second

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decisions, take the time to breathe.

Njabulo James:

Let it simmer so that you can make the right decision, because think about it.

Njabulo James:

If you make a hasty decision, you will lose money on a trade.

Njabulo James:

You will lose money on the stock.

Njabulo James:

You will make their own business decision and a year from now,

Njabulo James:

you're no longer in business.

Njabulo James:

You may swerve off the road and you may get into a car accident.

Njabulo James:

You may say something, then you, next thing you're out of a job

Njabulo James:

or you out of a relationship.

Njabulo James:


Njabulo James:

I think and process.

Njabulo James:

And if you're a person that likes thinking, you've got many personality

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types, if you are a thinker and don't let anyone pressurize you and say, I need to

Njabulo James:

take time to think there was a finance coach who said that before you make a

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purchase, ask yourself, do I need this?

Njabulo James:

And take 24 hours to think through whether you need it or not.

Njabulo James:

And if you need it in 24 hours from now, then that's fine.

Njabulo James:

Take time to think and process apply wisdom to your thinking by

Njabulo James:

not rushing, take time to think and process and make better decisions.

Njabulo James:

Another way that you can apply wisdom to your thinking is to

Njabulo James:

follow the words of Deming.

Njabulo James:

He said in God, we trust all others.

Njabulo James:

Bring data in God.

Njabulo James:

We trust all others must bring.

Njabulo James:

What does that mean?

Njabulo James:

It means that outside of God, the higher power, any other information and words

Njabulo James:

and facts and school of thought that come from anybody else, your immediate family,

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extended family, good friends or not.

Njabulo James:

So good friends.

Njabulo James:

We're calling.

Njabulo James:

They must bring data to you because without data and information and verified

Njabulo James:

fats, you are nothing more than a person with an unfair fight opinion.

Njabulo James:

And there's nothing worse than a person with an iron very fight opinion.

Njabulo James:


Njabulo James:

Because remember we said at the beginning of the show, There is a culture that

Njabulo James:

exists where people don't want to think.

Njabulo James:

And that is called borrowed intellect.

Njabulo James:

I heard this from a colleague.

Njabulo James:

I got, it said people don't want to think they will be.

Njabulo James:

They strive off of, they thrive off of borrowed.

Njabulo James:

I said, what is that?

Njabulo James:

There can be people who are more knowledgeable while learn it

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well versed in a particular area.

Njabulo James:

And because we made our points of thing for ourselves, because not

Njabulo James:

because we don't want to, or not, because we don't want to think for

Njabulo James:

ourselves, but we are too lazy to think.

Njabulo James:

And then you always ran to the same person over and over again, using their.

Njabulo James:

You learn to think for yourself.

Njabulo James:

And also when people come to you and say, I read this at this place, or I

Njabulo James:

heard this opinion from this person say to them in God, we trust all others

Njabulo James:

bring data because without data and verify facts and information, you're

Njabulo James:

nothing more than a person with an opinion and opinion is just that.

Njabulo James:

And the.

Njabulo James:

I hope that you enjoy this episode of wisdom words, Wednesdays, where we talked

Njabulo James:

about apply wisdom to your thinking.

Njabulo James:

Let's go through what we talked about.

Njabulo James:

People can fall into the trap of not wanting to think.

Njabulo James:

And this is a travesty given the mind that we were given that allows us to

Njabulo James:

be the human race that we are today.

Njabulo James:

And then one let's apply.

Njabulo James:

Wasn't your thinking is to give with discretion.

Njabulo James:

Don't do things or waste your time, unless it is a part of your worthy ideal.

Njabulo James:

And when somebody.

Njabulo James:

Presents information to you ask them, how do you know that?

Njabulo James:

And then you can see if they're thought through that.

Njabulo James:

If arguments don't rush, take time to think and process, and remember

Njabulo James:

the words of Deming where wise words in God, we trust all others.

Njabulo James:

Bring it.

Njabulo James:

I hope that you enjoyed this episode of wisdom words, Wednesdays, we've talked

Njabulo James:

about apply wisdom to your thinking.

Njabulo James:

If you enjoyed this episode, please like share comment and

Njabulo James:

subscribe, leave a rating.

Njabulo James:

Uh, get into the email list.

Njabulo James:

Who've got some good stuff going on there.

Njabulo James:

If you're interested in any other merchandise.

Njabulo James:

Please head over to the website and have a fantastic Wednesday

Njabulo James:

apply wisdom to your thinking.

Njabulo James:

It will allow you to make better decisions and it will improve

Njabulo James:

the quality of your life.

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About the Podcast

The NJ Podcast
The NJ Podcast is a podcast hosted by Njabulo James with the aim of sharing stories, tips and insights about achieving success while having fun. From topics ranging from personal development, to business, entertainment and sports the podcast will have conversations with experts in their fields. The Podcast will also share insights from Njabulo James’ published and upcoming books. Remember, “success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.”