
Published on:

25th Jul 2021

Everyday Series | Season 1 | Spiritual Development Sundays | 001 | The 7 things God cannot do

In this episode, we talk about the 7 things God cannot do.

Hey everybody. This is NJ here host of The NJ Podcast. And this is Spiritual Development Sundays, where we will be taking principles from the best personal development book ever written the Bible. And the premise of the segment is talking more from a perspective of love and of growth, not hellfire and brimstone those things are there.

We do need to make sure that we check ourselves that we become better. And we don't act in ways that are contrary to what this book says, and what's good for our own wellbeing, but we're here to learn and grow from the best personal development book ever written the Bible itself.

And I want to start off with something kind of funny. A Preacher finished the service one morning by saying, 'Next Sunday, I am going to preach on the subject of liars. As a preparation for my sermon, I would like you all to read Mark Chapter 17.' On the following Sunday, the preacher rose to begin. Looking out at the congregation he said, 'Last week I asked you all to read Mark Chapter 17. If you have read the chapter, please raise your hand.' Nearly every hand in the congregation went up. Smiling, the preacher said, 'You are the very people I want to talk to today. . . .Mark has only 16 Chapters".

 I want to talk to you about the Seven things that God cannot do. We all believe that God can do everything and anything under the sun, without anyone knowing or anyone’s approval. Well I assure you that there are things that God cannot do. We often use the word “majestic” without the basic concept of what the word means. The word “majestic” comes from the Latin meaning “greatness.” When we say “your majesty,” we acknowledge the greatness of that person.

God’s greatness is measured by the things God cannot do. What does that mean? It sounds like a contradiction. Well, it is the truth.

Here are the seven things God cannot do.

  1. God cannot be given a problem He cannot solve: Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God.” Crossing the Red Sea, defeating Goliath; having your MIP paid on time and getting your degree may seem impossible, but when God intervenes they are possible. Why, because God cannot be given a problem he cannot solve.
  2. God cannot leave you nor forsake you: Hebrews 13: 5 “for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]” Your family, friends and influence may leave you but God will never leave you.
  3. God cannot allow His people to be shamed.  Joel 2:26: “And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you. And My people shall never be put to shame.” Many people have a dark moment in their past that they are ashamed about and are still haunted by it. Well, Jesus was shamed at the cross and broke the shame barrier once and for all, so you could be free from shame. Why? Because God cannot allow His people to be ashamed.
  4. God cannot share His glory with anyone… ever: Don’t you ever try to take God’s glory from him or you will pay severely for it. Matthew 6:13:”…for thine be the Kingdom and the power and the Glory.”It is God’s kingdom, church, gospel, and his people and not ours. Pharaoh, Herod and others tried to take God’s glory and they paid with their lives and anointing. Do not ever try to take God’s glory because he will not share it with anyone.
  5. God cannot break the covenant: Deuteronomy 7:9: “now, recognize, and understand therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, Who keeps covenant and steadfast love and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations.” The old testament, the new testament and the cross are covenants. When God has made a promise to you, he will never break it because God cannot break the covenant.
  6. God cannot remember your sin when you confess it and place it under the blood: Jeremiah 31:34: “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” If you have sinned, confess it to God ASAP. He is waiting to forgive you. Once you confess it, the blood of Jesus will cover it and God will forget it, and so should you.
  7. God never changes: Malachi 3:6 says “I the Lord do not change.” His Word never changes and His principles of truth never change. We, as men, are in constant transition. We develop new theologies, new philosophies, and new cults while demanding that God change and get in step with us. God thunders back, “Never! I am God and I do NOT CHANGE!”

Once you know these 7 things God cannot do, you will be transformed to know the true Greatness of God. God bless you, keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you His peace. In Jesus name. Amen.

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About the Podcast

The NJ Podcast
The NJ Podcast is a podcast hosted by Njabulo James with the aim of sharing stories, tips and insights about achieving success while having fun. From topics ranging from personal development, to business, entertainment and sports the podcast will have conversations with experts in their fields. The Podcast will also share insights from Njabulo James’ published and upcoming books. Remember, “success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.”