
Published on:

16th Aug 2021

Everyday Series | Season 1 | Motivational Mondays | 005 | The Belief Cycle

In this episode, we discuss The Belief Cycle.

In the world, today of business, academics, technology and entrepreneurship - the end determinant of value and net worth is found in one word: results. The net worth of a business or corporation is determined by its annual results. The determinant of a magna cum laude student is based on their academic results. An athlete's rankings are determined by their statistics, which is the results they produce. There is simply no arguing with legitimate and tangible results.

A challenge for corporations and individual people is to improve the results they produce in the face of challenges. In the discipline of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), there is a feedback loop that answers one key question: how can you achieve greater results?

The Belief Cycle is a feedback loop between belief, potential, action and results. The cycle dictates that the results you achieve are in direct proportion to the action you take. The actions that you take is determined by the belief you have in your own potential.


"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is" - van Goethe

Belief is an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially without proof. Your deep-seated convictions and beliefs determine who you are and the action you will take. If your belief in yourself, abilities or concept is low, then you will not take the necessary actions. Cultivating belief comes from a source, which is your untapped potential, which according to quantum physics, is nearly limitless. If you have high belief, then you will tap into this near-limitless untapped potential.


"Untapped potential is the difference between where a person is now and where he or she can be" - Bo Bennett

The potential for human beings to achieve greater heights is nearly limitless. Humans are able to run the four-minute mile, run 100 meters in sub 10 seconds, win multiple championships and turn around a corporation from near bankruptcy to the Fortune 500 listing. However, there is an untapped potential that even the greatest achievers are still tapping into. This potential power can only be tapped into once there is a strong belief.


"Your actions, and your action alone, determines your worth" - Evelyn Waugh

The action that you take will determine your results and your future. An employee who has a strong belief in their potential and the work they do will put in the hard work and the actions. An employee who does not have the same certainty and belief will take less action. In the example of physical workouts, if you have a conviction that your workout regimen WILL produce results then you will put in the hard work. The actions you take to produce results and your worth.


"The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply"

Results are the consequences and outcomes produced by actions. The results that you produce result from your actions. The results, if they are good or bad will reinforce your belief in your potential. If you workout for only three days of a ninety-day plan and you do it half-heartedly because of the lack of belief - the results will be substandard. This result will reinforce a belief that working out will not produce the desired result. In contrast to this, if you have a strong belief in the workout regimen, you will put in the action and the great results will greatly reinforce the belief in the potential you have. 

This loop will continue and in order to change the results, the best thing is to change your BELIEF. Here are three guidelines to do this:

  • Identify your core negative beliefs that will hold you back.
  • Identify your core positive beliefs to replace the negative beliefs.
  • Develop a plan of action to identify the plan of action and act.


Short Case Study - Kobe Bryant

He is a retired American Basketball player who spent 20 years with the Lakers and is considered one of the greatest of all time. 5 NBA championships, 18 times NBA all-star, fourth-highest scorer in NBA history and a plethora of accolades are a testament to his talent. His name is Kobe Bryant and he is a player who has been characterized by his peers as a person of sheer will, work ethic, and excellence. Bryant is a good example of how strong conviction will translate into great results.

Before Kobe started his career with the Lakers, teammates testify that he declared he will win five or six NBA championships, break records and go down as one of the greatest. With this belief, he was able to tap into his untapped - near-limitless Potential. The Action that followed was nearly inhuman. He would operate on four hours of sleep, be in the gym at four AM and make sure he made 400 shots. Subsequently, the practice would begin and he would treat every training session as if it was a playoff game. When practice would end, he would still be in the gym practising his game. He would also study ad replicate the greatest players, moves and regimen to become the best. Needless to say, the results were astonishing. The results of NBA titles, MVP, and scoring titles reinforced belief in his potential and the results he would produce.

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About the Podcast

The NJ Podcast
The NJ Podcast is a podcast hosted by Njabulo James with the aim of sharing stories, tips and insights about achieving success while having fun. From topics ranging from personal development, to business, entertainment and sports the podcast will have conversations with experts in their fields. The Podcast will also share insights from Njabulo James’ published and upcoming books. Remember, “success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.”