
Published on:

2nd Aug 2021

Everyday Series | Season 1 | Motivational Mondays | 003 | You've got to try it

In this episode, we discuss that you have got to try it.

Hey everybody. This is NJ here, the host of the NJ podcast. And this is Motivational Mondays, everybody. This is part of the everyday series, and this is season one where we share ideas and concepts and order for us to be motivated this Monday. I believe Monday, is the best day of the week. It allows us to recalibrate and refocus and set the intention to go and crush our goals all day, every day, all day, every day.

And on today's episode, I want to talk about, you've got to try it. You've got to try it. in order for you to learn for you to grow, you need to try new things. You need to do more. You need to become more. The essence of life is growth. The essence of life is growing to do the best that you can. The more you do, the more you get and you can only

do more. If you're with you are willing. To try more. And the only reason that people fail is that they haven't even tried at the beginning. They're afraid to try, they're afraid to set the said and go out there, and one of the worst things that you can ever experience in this life is something that called regret.

Regret. When you get to the end of your life and you regret the things that you didn't do. Good things that you did not do. I heard someone say that you regret in life, the things that you did not do more so than the things that you did do because the things that you did do you at least now know how it would have worked out because you tried it.

And those things that you did not do, you didn't try them. So you did not know what you could have become, what you could have accomplished and who you could have impacted because you were afraid to try. We need to go out there and try new things. So here are some of the things we should know about. You've got to try it.

Don't be afraid to try. Don't be afraid to try. Michael Jordan said "I can take failing that's okay. But what I cannot take is the fact that I did not try." And, if you're afraid to try, you're not going to get anything done. If you don't try to start something, then it’s not going to happen because some people are afraid to try because they're going to be told.

No. And if you're told no. So what if you don't try the answer's always no. If you give up the answer's always no, but if you go out and try something, you don't know what the outcome may be. If someone says to you go out and deliver a speech, you've got to try it. and if you fail, So what you you've tried it and because you failed, does it mean that you can't do it?

No. There may be some things that you need to adjust and some changes that you need to make, but you shouldn't be afraid to try. Fear has robbed a lot of people of the greatest experiences that you've had. Don't be afraid to try a relationship and also don't be afraid to try to leave a relationship.

Don't be afraid to try writing a book. Don't be afraid to go try out for that team. Don't be afraid to go out and try out for the job, don't be afraid to go out and try out that business. It may fail. A lot of businesses fail, but the fact that you've tried makes you a much better person, puts you in a different bracket.

Now you've got the experience. Now you've got the information and you can go out and try again. And the next thing we should really know about, you've got to try it: is try, try and then try again. If you get something wrong, you adjust as you go and try again. For example, if you got there and you try to play basketball and you try and make a hoop, and then you fail.

So what try again. Kobe Bryant, the late great Kobe Bryant, who was recently When he first tried out basketball he was terrible. He didn't score a single point. His dad said to him, whether you score zero or 60, I'm still going to love you no matter what.

And he made up his mind that he's going through try again until he was making all the shots. And now he's one of the greats of the sport. So you need to go out there and try and try again. Stories of Sylvester Stallone. He tried so many times before his script for Rocky. was accepted and now look at the impact that he's made on the world.

So just because you failed to go out there try and try again. In fact, the reason people don't have that breakthrough is that they stop before the finish line. They stopped three feet short from gold and they don't try again. So be the person who tries again. In fact very quickly about the person who stopped three feet short of gold, back in the days of the gold rush.

There's this guy who honestly believed that you would mining for gold. He was going to find this gold and he worked tirelessly day in and day out. And after years he said, "I'm going to stop. I'm going to quit." He sold his land to somebody else. And the person who bought the land.

Dug. And then three feet from where the person stopped was where the person that found gold and that person who he sold the goldmine to became a millionaire. And that person went off and became a successful insurance salesman, but he regrets it because he stopped three feet short from gold.

So when you try and try again. In order for us to keep on trying again, here's one thing we should know. We should make adjustments. Learn, then try again. Make the adjustment, learn and try and again. Start a business that sells a product. It doesn't sell. Don't just stop and quit. Learn from it, make an adjustment plan and then try again, say, okay, maybe I should adjust the price.

Maybe I should adjust the marketing strategy or maybe I should be in a different business. Or maybe if you're shooting a basketball, they try a different angle. Leave the ground earlier or if you are bad at speaking, make the adjustments practice more. Get some coaching, get some guidance, make the adjustments and try again.

And the person is who is the most difficult to beat is a person who keeps trying again and says, I will not give up. I will not give in. I'm going to try it. I'm going to try it. I'm going to try it intelligently. Of course, you don't want to keep on doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

Once you've not made the adjustments. For you to try again. So what can we expect from knowing that we can try it. You won't be afraid to try and you will be always opening yourself up to new experiences. Fun experiences. You become a deeper person, a richer person. You will travel to different countries.

Try new experiences. Tick off the bucket list. think about this, when was the last time you did something for the first. Ask yourself that question. When was the last time he did something for the first time when you do something for the first time, it makes you a much more interesting person.

Don't be afraid to try. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. And if it doesn't work out in some you really believe in, this is what you do, you try and you try again. This world is, full of people who achieve good things because They kept on trying and we will make the necessary adjustments to learn and try again. Hopefully, you enjoyed that episode of Motivational Mondays, where we talked about it, you've got to try it. If you liked this episode, please like, share, comment, and subscribe. And if you are interested in any merchandise, please head over to the website. Remember success is a progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

That means you are going after what you've always wanted to go after because it's aligned with the highest values. You need to go out there and change the world. You're the only person who can. Go out there, crush this Monday. Try something new. If you've tried and you fail, try again, make the necessary adjustments, learn, and then try again.

And I shall see you in the next episode.

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About the Podcast

The NJ Podcast
The NJ Podcast is a podcast hosted by Njabulo James with the aim of sharing stories, tips and insights about achieving success while having fun. From topics ranging from personal development, to business, entertainment and sports the podcast will have conversations with experts in their fields. The Podcast will also share insights from Njabulo James’ published and upcoming books. Remember, “success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.”